

Healthier professional relationships

With the help of our professional psychotherapists, individuals and teams can significantly enhance their skills, assertiveness, and resilience, as well as learn how to better function with their colleagues.

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Work-related stress – a cause of serious health problems

In 2019, the World Health Organization recognized work-related stress as a medical condition caused by excessive pressure in the workplace. The burnout phenomenon is a common result of exhaustion at work, lack of rest, and an imbalance between personal and professional life.

Stress at work background

Productivity reduced by 40 percent due to stress

Statistical data show that under stress our productivity and dedication to tasks decreases by as much as 40 percent.

The probability of quitting a job 2.6 times higher due to burnout

Employees who are overwhelmed and burned out are more likely to seek new work opportunities.

The advantages of psychotherapy in business environment

Closer connection with colleagues

Professional relationships are an important part of our social life. If individuals work on developing communication skills, assertiveness, and tolerance, the collaboration in the team becomes more successful and the work environment healthier.

Higher productivity

Defining professional goals and a path leading to their realization can help employees feel more work satisfaction.

Easier adjustment after returning to work

Psychotherapy can facilitate returning to work and establishing new business routines after longer periods of leave.

Find an ideal solution for your team

Individual therapies background

Individual psychotherapy

Individual mental health is highly important for the workplace. Selfnest offers the option of anonymous individual therapy for those who feel the need to talk to a therapist one-on-one about issues they do not want to share with the rest of the team.

Group therapies background

Group psychotherapy

Group therapy is organized for up to five people, enabling teams to talk with a therapist in a safe environment about mutual problems in order to successfully deal with daily professional challenges.